Source code for gnes.encoder.numeric.hash

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import numpy as np

from ..base import BaseNumericEncoder
from ...helper import batching, train_required

[docs]class HashEncoder(BaseNumericEncoder): batch_size = 2048 def __init__(self, num_bytes: int, num_bits: int = 8, num_idx: int = 3, kmeans_clusters: int = 100, method: str = 'product_uniform', *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) assert 1 <= num_bits <= 8, 'maximum 8 hash functions in a byte' self.num_bytes = num_bytes self.num_bits = num_bits self.num_idx = num_idx self.kmeans_clusters = kmeans_clusters self.method = method self.centroids = None self.x = None self.vec_dim = None self.hash_cores = None self.mean = None self.var = None
[docs] def train(self, vecs: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs): self.vec_dim = vecs.shape[1] self.centroids = [self.train_kmeans(vecs) for _ in range(self.num_idx)] self.centroids = np.reshape( self.centroids, [1, self.num_idx, self.kmeans_clusters, self.vec_dim]).astype(np.float32) if self.vec_dim % self.num_bytes != 0: raise ValueError('vec dim should be divided by x') self.x = int(self.vec_dim / self.num_bytes) self.mean = np.mean(vecs, axis=0) self.var = np.var(vecs, axis=0) self.hash_cores = [self.ran_gen() for _ in range(self.num_bytes)] self.proj = np.array([2 ** i for i in range(self.num_bits)]).astype(np.int32)
[docs] def train_kmeans(self, vecs): import faiss kmeans_instance = faiss.Kmeans(self.vec_dim, self.kmeans_clusters, niter=10) if vecs.dtype != np.float32: vecs = vecs.astype(np.float32) kmeans_instance.train(vecs) centroids = kmeans_instance.centroids return centroids
[docs] def pred_kmeans(self, vecs): vecs = np.reshape(vecs, [vecs.shape[0], 1, 1, vecs.shape[1]]) dist = np.sum(np.square(vecs - self.centroids), -1) return np.argmax(-dist, axis=-1).astype(np.uint32)
[docs] def ran_gen(self):'hash functions with %s' % self.method) if self.method == 'product_uniform': return np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(self.x, self.num_bits) ).astype(np.float32) elif self.method == 'uniform': return np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(self.vec_dim, self.num_bits) ).astype(np.float32) elif self.method == 'ortho_uniform': from scipy.stats import ortho_group m = ortho_group.rvs(dim=max(self.vec_dim, self.num_bits) ).astype(np.float32) if self.vec_dim >= self.num_bits: return m[:, :self.num_bits] else: return m[:self.vec_dim, :]
[docs] def hash(self, vecs): ret = [] if self.method == 'product_uniform': vecs = np.reshape(vecs, [vecs.shape[0], self.num_bytes, self.x]) for i in range(self.num_bytes): out = np.greater(np.matmul(vecs[:, i, :], self.hash_cores[i]), 0) ret.append(np.sum(out * self.proj, axis=1, keepdims=1)) return np.concatenate(ret, axis=1).astype(np.uint32) elif self.method == 'uniform' or self.method == 'ortho_uniform': for i in range(self.num_bytes): out = np.greater(np.matmul(vecs, self.hash_cores[i]), 0) ret.append(np.sum(out * self.proj, axis=1, keepdims=1)) return np.concatenate(ret, axis=1).astype(np.uint32)
[docs] @train_required @batching def encode(self, vecs: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: if vecs.shape[1] != self.vec_dim: raise ValueError('input dimension error') clusters = self.pred_kmeans(vecs) vecs = (vecs - self.mean) / self.var outcome = self.hash(vecs) return np.concatenate([clusters, outcome], axis=1)
def _copy_from(self, x: 'HashEncoder') -> None: self.num_bytes = x.num_bytes self.num_bits = x.num_bits self.num_idx = x.num_idx self.kmeans_clusters = x.kmeans_clusters self.centroids = x.centroids self.method = x.method self.x = x.x self.vec_dim = x.vec_dim self.hash_cores = x.hash_cores self.mean = x.mean self.var = x.var self.is_trained = x.is_trained