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from typing import List
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from ..base import BaseVideoEncoder
from ...helper import batching, get_first_available_gpu

[docs]class YouTube8MFeatureExtractor(BaseVideoEncoder): """Extracts YouTube8M features for RGB frames. First time constructing this class will create directory `yt8m` inside your home directory, and will download inception model (85 MB) and YouTube8M PCA matrix (15 MB). If you want to use another directory, then pass it to argument `model_dir` of constructor. If the model_dir exist and contains the necessary files, then files will be re-used without download. Usage Example: from PIL import Image import numpy # Instantiate extractor. Slow if called first time on your machine, as it # needs to download 100 MB. extractor = YouTube8MFeatureExtractor() image_file = os.path.join(extractor._model_dir, 'cropped_panda.jpg') im = numpy.array( features = extractor.extract_rgb_frame_features(im) ** Note: OpenCV reverses the order of channels (i.e. orders channels as BGR instead of RGB). If you are using OpenCV, then you must do: im = im[:, :, ::-1] # Reverses order on last (i.e. channel) dimension. then call `extractor.extract_rgb_frame_features(im)` """ batch_size = 64 def __init__(self, model_dir: str, pca_dir: str, select_layer: str = 'PreLogits', ignore_audio_feature: bool = True, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.model_dir = model_dir self.pca_dir = pca_dir self.select_layer = select_layer self.ignore_audio_feature = ignore_audio_feature self.audio_dim = 128 self.incep_dim = 2048 self.pca_dim = 1024 self.inception_size_x = 299 self.inception_size_y = 299
[docs] def post_init(self): import tensorflow as tf from .yt8m_feature_extractor_cores.inception_v3 import inception_v3 from .yt8m_feature_extractor_cores.inception_utils import inception_arg_scope import os os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(get_first_available_gpu()) self.pca_mean = np.load(os.path.join(self.pca_dir, 'mean.npy'))[:, 0] self.pca_eigenvals = np.load(os.path.join(self.pca_dir, 'eigenvals.npy'))[:self.pca_dim, 0] self.pca_eigenvecs = np.load(os.path.join(self.pca_dir, 'eigenvecs.npy')).T[:, :self.pca_dim] g = tf.Graph() with g.as_default(): arg_scope = inception_arg_scope() inception_v3.default_image_size = self.inception_size_x self.inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None, self.inception_size_x, self.inception_size_y, 3)) with tf.contrib.slim.arg_scope(arg_scope): self.logits, self.end_points = inception_v3(self.inputs, num_classes=1001, is_training=False, dropout_keep_prob=1.0) config = tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=False) if self.on_gpu: config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True self.sess = tf.Session(config=config) self.saver = tf.train.Saver() self.saver.restore(self.sess, self.model_dir)
[docs] def encode(self, data: List['np.ndarray'], *args, **kwargs) -> List['np.ndarray']: video_length = [len(d) for d in data] for i in range(1, len(video_length)): video_length[i] = video_length[i] + video_length[i - 1] data = [(np.array(Image.fromarray(im).resize((self.inception_size_x, self.inception_size_y)), dtype=np.float32) * 2 / 255. - 1.) for video in data for im in video] data = np.stack((list(data[i] for i in range(len(data)))), axis=0) @batching def _encode(_, data): def _pca(data): data = np.squeeze(data, axis=(1, 2)) data = (data - self.pca_mean).reshape((len(data), self.incep_dim)) data = np.matmul(data, self.pca_eigenvecs) data = data / np.sqrt(self.pca_eigenvals + 1e-4) return data _, end_points_ =, self.end_points), feed_dict={self.inputs: data}) data = _pca(end_points_[self.select_layer]) return data def _fill_audio_feature(data): return list(map(lambda x: np.concatenate((x, np.zeros(shape=(x.shape[0], self.audio_dim))), axis=1), data)) data = _encode(self, data) data = np.split(data, video_length[:-1]) if self.ignore_audio_feature: return _fill_audio_feature(data) else: return data.astype(np.float32)