Source code for gnes.preprocessor.image.segmentation

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import io
import os
from typing import List

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

from .resize import SizedPreprocessor
from ..helper import torch_transform, get_all_subarea
from ...proto import array2blob

[docs]class SegmentPreprocessor(SizedPreprocessor): def __init__(self, model_name: str, model_dir: str, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.model_name = model_name self.model_dir = model_dir
[docs] def post_init(self): import torch import torchvision.models as models os.environ['TORCH_HOME'] = self.model_dir self._model = getattr(models.detection, self.model_name)(pretrained=True) self._model = self._model.eval() if self.on_gpu: # self._model.cuda() self._device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") self._model =
[docs] def apply(self, doc: 'gnes_pb2.Document'): super().apply(doc) if doc.raw_bytes: original_image = all_subareas, index = get_all_subarea(original_image) image_tensor = torch_transform(original_image) if self.on_gpu: image_tensor = image_tensor.cuda() seg_output = self._model([image_tensor]) weight = seg_output[0]['scores'].tolist() length = len(list(filter(lambda x: x >= 0.5, weight))) chunks = seg_output[0]['boxes'].tolist()[:length] weight = weight[:length] for ci, ele in enumerate(zip(chunks, weight)): c = doc.chunks.add() c.doc_id = doc.doc_id c.blob.CopyFrom(array2blob(self._crop(original_image, ele[0]))) c.offset = ci c.offset_nd.extend(self._get_seg_offset_nd(all_subareas, index, ele[0])) c.weight = self._cal_area(ele[0]) / (original_image.size[0] * original_image.size[1]) c = doc.chunks.add() c.doc_id = doc.doc_id c.blob.CopyFrom(array2blob(np.array(original_image))) c.offset = len(chunks) c.offset_nd.extend([100, 100]) c.weight = 1. else: self.logger.error('bad document: "raw_bytes" is empty!')
def _get_seg_offset_nd(self, all_subareas: List[List[int]], index: List[List[int]], chunk: List[int]) -> List[int]: iou_list = [self._cal_iou(area, chunk) for area in all_subareas] return index[int(np.argmax(iou_list))][:2] @staticmethod def _crop(original_image, coordinates): return np.array(original_image.crop(coordinates)) @staticmethod def _cal_area(coordinate: List[int]): return (coordinate[2] - coordinate[0]) * (coordinate[3] - coordinate[1]) def _cal_iou(self, image: List[int], chunk: List[int]) -> float: chunk_area = self._cal_area(chunk) image_area = self._cal_area(image) x1 = max(chunk[0], image[0]) y1 = max(chunk[1], image[1]) x2 = min(chunk[2], image[2]) y2 = min(chunk[3], image[3]) overlap_area = max(0, x2 - x1) * max(0, y2 - y1) iou = overlap_area / (chunk_area + image_area - overlap_area) return iou