Source code for gnes.flow

import copy
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from contextlib import ExitStack
from typing import Union, Tuple, List, Optional, Iterator

from .helper import *
from ..base import TrainableBase
from ..helper import set_logger
from ..service.base import SocketType, BaseService

[docs]class Flow(TrainableBase): """ GNES Flow: an intuitive way to build workflow for GNES. You can use :py:meth:`.add()` then :py:meth:`.build()` to customize your own workflow. For example: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python from gnes.flow import Flow f = (Flow(check_version=False, route_table=True) .add_preprocessor(yaml_path='BasePreprocessor') .add_encoder(yaml_path='BaseEncoder') .add_router(yaml_path='BaseRouter')) with'thread') as flow: flow.index() ... You can also use `add('Encoder', ...)` or `add(Service.Encoder, ...)` to add service to the flow. The generic :py:meth:`add` provides a convenient way to build the flow. As shown above, it is recommend to use flow in the context manner as showed above, as it manages all opened sockets/processes/threads automatically when exit from the context. Note the different copy behaviors in :py:meth:`.add()` and :py:meth:`.build()`: :py:meth:`.add()` always copy the flow by default, whereas :py:meth:`.build()` modify the flow in place. You can change this behavior by specifying th argument `copy_flow=False`. """ # a shortcut to the service frontend, removing one extra import Frontend = Service.Frontend def __init__(self, with_frontend: bool = True, is_trained: bool = True, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a new Flow object. :param with_frontend: adding frontend service to the flow :param is_trained: indicating whether this flow is trained or not. if set to False then :py:meth:`index` and :py:meth:`query` can not be called before :py:meth:`train` :param kwargs: keyword-value arguments that will be shared by all services """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.logger = set_logger(self.__class__.__name__) self._service_nodes = OrderedDict() self._service_edges = {} self._service_name_counter = {k: 0 for k in service_map.keys()} self._service_contexts = [] self._last_changed_service = [] self._common_kwargs = kwargs self._frontend = None self._client = None self._build_level = BuildLevel.EMPTY self._backend = None self._init_with_frontend = False self.is_trained = is_trained if with_frontend: self.add_frontend(copy_flow=False) self._init_with_frontend = True else: self.logger.warning('with_frontend is set to False, you need to add_frontend() by yourself')
[docs] @build_required(BuildLevel.GRAPH) def to_k8s_yaml(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @build_required(BuildLevel.GRAPH) def to_shell_script(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @build_required(BuildLevel.GRAPH) def to_swarm_yaml(self, image: str = 'gnes/gnes:latest-alpine') -> str: """ Generate the docker swarm YAML compose file :param image: the default GNES docker image :return: the generated YAML compose file """ from ruamel.yaml import YAML, StringIO _yaml = YAML() swarm_yml = {'version': '3.4', 'services': {}} for k, v in self._service_nodes.items(): defaults_kwargs, _ = service_map[v['service']]['parser']().parse_known_args( ['--yaml_path', 'TrainableBase']) non_default_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in vars(v['parsed_args']).items() if getattr(defaults_kwargs, k) != v} if not isinstance(non_default_kwargs.get('yaml_path', ''), str): non_default_kwargs['yaml_path'] = v['kwargs']['yaml_path'] num_replicas = None if 'num_parallel' in non_default_kwargs: num_replicas = non_default_kwargs.pop('num_parallel') swarm_yml['services'][k] = { 'image': v['kwargs'].get('image', image), 'command': '%s %s' % ( service_map[v['service']]['cmd'], ' '.join(['--%s %s' % (k, v) for k, v in non_default_kwargs.items()])) } if num_replicas and num_replicas > 1: swarm_yml['services'][k]['deploy'] = {'replicas': num_replicas} stream = StringIO() _yaml.dump(swarm_yml, stream) return stream.getvalue().strip()
[docs] def to_python_code(self, indent: int = 4) -> str: """ Generate the python code of this flow :param indent: the number of whitespaces of indent :return: the generated python code """ py_code = ['from gnes.flow import Flow', ''] kwargs = [] if not self._init_with_frontend: kwargs.append('with_frontend=False') if self._common_kwargs: kwargs.extend('%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in self._common_kwargs.items()) py_code.append('f = (Flow(%s)' % (', '.join(kwargs))) known_service = set() last_add_name = '' for k, v in self._service_nodes.items(): kwargs = OrderedDict() kwargs['service'] = str(v['service']) kwargs['name'] = k kwargs['recv_from'] = '[%s]' % ( ','.join({'\'%s\'' % k for k in v['incomes'] if k in known_service})) if kwargs['recv_from'] == '[\'%s\']' % last_add_name: kwargs.pop('recv_from') kwargs['send_to'] = '[%s]' % (','.join({'\'%s\'' % k for k in v['outgoings'] if k in known_service})) known_service.add(k) last_add_name = k py_code.append('%s.add(%s)' % ( ' ' * indent, ', '.join( '%s=%s' % (kk, '\'%s\'' % vv if isinstance(vv, str) and not vv.startswith('\'') and not vv.startswith('[') else vv) for kk, vv in (list(kwargs.items()) + list(v['kwargs'].items())) if vv and vv != '[]' and kk not in self._common_kwargs))) py_code[-1] += ')' py_code.extend(['', '# build the flow and visualize it', '' ]) py_code.extend(['', '# use this flow in multi-thread mode for indexing', 'with\'thread\') as fl:', '%sfl.index(txt_file=\'test.txt\')' % (' ' * indent) ]) py_code.append('') return '\n'.join(py_code)
[docs] @build_required(BuildLevel.GRAPH) def to_mermaid(self, left_right: bool = True) -> str: """ Output the mermaid graph for visualization :param left_right: render the flow in left-to-right manner, otherwise top-down manner. :return: a mermaid-formatted string """ # fill, stroke service_color = { Service.Frontend: ('#FFE0E0', '#000'), Service.Router: ('#C9E8D2', '#000'), Service.Encoder: ('#FFDAAF', '#000'), Service.Preprocessor: ('#CED7EF', '#000'), Service.Indexer: ('#FFFBC1', '#000'), } mermaid_graph = OrderedDict() cls_dict = defaultdict(set) replicas_dict = {} for k, v in self._service_nodes.items(): mermaid_graph[k] = [] num_replicas = getattr(v['parsed_args'], 'num_parallel', 1) if num_replicas > 1: head_router = k + '_HEAD' tail_router = k + '_TAIL' replicas_dict[k] = (head_router, tail_router) cls_dict[Service.Router].add(head_router) cls_dict[Service.Router].add(tail_router) p_r = '((%s))' k_service = v['service'] p_e = '((%s))' if k_service == Service.Router else '(%s)' mermaid_graph[k].append('subgraph %s["%s (replias=%d)"]' % (k, k, num_replicas)) for j in range(num_replicas): r = k + '_%d' % j cls_dict[k_service].add(r) mermaid_graph[k].append('\t%s%s-->%s%s' % (head_router, p_r % 'router', r, p_e % r)) mermaid_graph[k].append('\t%s%s-->%s%s' % (r, p_e % r, tail_router, p_r % 'router')) mermaid_graph[k].append('end') mermaid_graph[k].append( 'style %s fill:%s,stroke:%s,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray:5,stroke-opacity:0.3,fill-opacity:0.5' % ( k, service_color[k_service][0], service_color[k_service][1])) for k, ed_type in self._service_edges.items(): start_node, end_node = k.split('-') cur_node = mermaid_graph[start_node] s_service = self._service_nodes[start_node]['service'] e_service = self._service_nodes[end_node]['service'] start_node_text = start_node end_node_text = end_node # check if is in replicas if start_node in replicas_dict: start_node = replicas_dict[start_node][1] # outgoing s_service = Service.Router start_node_text = 'router' if end_node in replicas_dict: end_node = replicas_dict[end_node][0] # incoming e_service = Service.Router end_node_text = 'router' # always plot frontend at the start and the end if e_service == Service.Frontend: end_node_text = end_node end_node += '_END' cls_dict[s_service].add(start_node) cls_dict[e_service].add(end_node) p_s = '((%s))' if s_service == Service.Router else '(%s)' p_e = '((%s))' if e_service == Service.Router else '(%s)' cur_node.append('\t%s%s-- %s -->%s%s' % ( start_node, p_s % start_node_text, ed_type, end_node, p_e % end_node_text)) style = ['classDef %sCLS fill:%s,stroke:%s,stroke-width:1px;' % (k, v[0], v[1]) for k, v in service_color.items()] class_def = ['class %s %sCLS;' % (','.join(v), k) for k, v in cls_dict.items()] mermaid_str = '\n'.join( ['graph %s' % ('LR' if left_right else 'TD')] + [ss for s in mermaid_graph.values() for ss in s] + style + class_def) return mermaid_str
[docs] @build_required(BuildLevel.GRAPH) def to_url(self, **kwargs) -> str: """ Rendering the current flow as a url points to a SVG, it needs internet connection :param kwargs: keyword arguments of :py:meth:`to_mermaid` :return: the url points to a SVG """ import base64 mermaid_str = self.to_mermaid(**kwargs) encoded_str = base64.b64encode(bytes(mermaid_str, 'utf-8')).decode('utf-8') return '' % encoded_str
[docs] @build_required(BuildLevel.GRAPH) def to_jpg(self, path: str = 'flow.jpg', **kwargs) -> None: """ Rendering the current flow as a jpg image, this will call :py:meth:`to_mermaid` and it needs internet connection :param path: the file path of the image :param kwargs: keyword arguments of :py:meth:`to_mermaid` :return: """ from urllib.request import Request, urlopen encoded_str = self.to_url().replace('', '') self.logger.warning('jpg exporting relies on, but it is not very stable. ' 'some syntax are not supported, please use with caution.')'downloading as jpg...') req = Request('' % encoded_str, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) with open(path, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(urlopen(req).read())'done')
[docs] def train(self, bytes_gen: Iterator[bytes] = None, **kwargs): """Do training on the current flow It will start a :py:class:`CLIClient` and call :py:func:`train`. Example, .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python with'thread') as flow: flow.train(txt_file='aa.txt') flow.train(image_zip_file='', batch_size=64) flow.train(video_zip_file='') ... This will call the pre-built reader to read files into an iterator of bytes and feed to the flow. One may also build a reader/generator on your own. Example, .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python def my_reader(): for _ in range(10): yield b'abcdfeg' # each yield generates a document for training with'thread') as flow: flow.train(bytes_gen=my_reader()) :param bytes_gen: An iterator of bytes. If not given, then you have to specify it in `kwargs`. :param kwargs: accepts all keyword arguments of `gnes client` CLI """ self._get_client(bytes_gen, mode='train', **kwargs).start()
[docs] def index(self, bytes_gen: Iterator[bytes] = None, **kwargs): """Do indexing on the current flow Example, .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python with'thread') as flow: flow.index(txt_file='aa.txt') flow.index(image_zip_file='', batch_size=64) flow.index(video_zip_file='') ... This will call the pre-built reader to read files into an iterator of bytes and feed to the flow. One may also build a reader/generator on your own. Example, .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python def my_reader(): for _ in range(10): yield b'abcdfeg' # each yield generates a document to index with'thread') as flow: flow.index(bytes_gen=my_reader()) It will start a :py:class:`CLIClient` and call :py:func:`index`. :param bytes_gen: An iterator of bytes. If not given, then you have to specify it in `kwargs`. :param kwargs: accepts all keyword arguments of `gnes client` CLI """ self._get_client(bytes_gen, mode='index', **kwargs).start()
[docs] def query(self, bytes_gen: Iterator[bytes] = None, **kwargs): """Do indexing on the current flow It will start a :py:class:`CLIClient` and call :py:func:`query`. Example, .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python with'thread') as flow: flow.query(txt_file='aa.txt') flow.query(image_zip_file='', batch_size=64) flow.query(video_zip_file='') ... This will call the pre-built reader to read files into an iterator of bytes and feed to the flow. One may also build a reader/generator on your own. Example, .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python def my_reader(): for _ in range(10): yield b'abcdfeg' # each yield generates a query for searching with'thread') as flow: flow.query(bytes_gen=my_reader()) :param bytes_gen: An iterator of bytes. If not given, then you have to specify it in `kwargs`. :param kwargs: accepts all keyword arguments of `gnes client` CLI """ yield from self._get_client(bytes_gen, mode='query', **kwargs).query()
@build_required(BuildLevel.RUNTIME) def _get_client(self, bytes_gen: Iterator[bytes] = None, **kwargs): from ..cli.parser import set_client_cli_parser from ..client.cli import CLIClient _, p_args, _ = self._get_parsed_args(self, CLIClient.__name__, set_client_cli_parser, kwargs) p_args.grpc_port = self._service_nodes[self._frontend]['parsed_args'].grpc_port p_args.grpc_host = self._service_nodes[self._frontend]['parsed_args'].grpc_host c = CLIClient(p_args, start_at_init=False) if bytes_gen: c.bytes_generator = bytes_gen return c
[docs] def add_frontend(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'Flow': """Add a frontend to the current flow, a shortcut of :py:meth:`add(Service.Frontend)`. Usually you dont need to call this function explicitly, a flow object contains a frontend service by default. This function is useful when you build a flow without the frontend and want to customize the frontend later. """ return self.add(Service.Frontend, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_encoder(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'Flow': """Add an encoder to the current flow, a shortcut of :py:meth:`add(Service.Encoder)`""" return self.add(Service.Encoder, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_indexer(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'Flow': """Add an indexer to the current flow, a shortcut of :py:meth:`add(Service.Indexer)`""" return self.add(Service.Indexer, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_preprocessor(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'Flow': """Add a preprocessor to the current flow, a shortcut of :py:meth:`add(Service.Preprocessor)`""" return self.add(Service.Preprocessor, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_router(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'Flow': """Add a router to the current flow, a shortcut of :py:meth:`add(Service.Router)`""" return self.add(Service.Router, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_last_service(self, name: str, copy_flow: bool = True) -> 'Flow': """ Set a service as the last service in the flow, useful when modifying the flow. :param name: the name of the existing service :param copy_flow: when set to true, then always copy the current flow and do the modification on top of it then return, otherwise, do in-line modification :return: a (new) flow object with modification """ op_flow = copy.deepcopy(self) if copy_flow else self if name not in op_flow._service_nodes: raise FlowMissingNode('recv_from: %s can not be found in this Flow' % name) if op_flow._last_changed_service and name == op_flow._last_changed_service[-1]: pass else: op_flow._last_changed_service.append(name) # graph is now changed so we need to # reset the build level to the lowest op_flow._build_level = BuildLevel.EMPTY return op_flow
[docs] def set(self, name: str, recv_from: Union[str, Tuple[str], List[str], 'Service'] = None, send_to: Union[str, Tuple[str], List[str], 'Service'] = None, copy_flow: bool = True, clear_old_attr: bool = False, as_last_service: bool = False, **kwargs) -> 'Flow': """ Set the attribute of an existing service (added by :py:meth:`add`) in the flow. For the attributes or kwargs that aren't given, they will remain unchanged as before. :param name: the name of the existing service :param recv_from: the name of the service(s) that this service receives data from. One can also use 'Service.Frontend' to indicate the connection with the frontend. :param send_to: the name of the service(s) that this service sends data to. One can also use 'Service.Frontend' to indicate the connection with the frontend. :param copy_flow: when set to true, then always copy the current flow and do the modification on top of it then return, otherwise, do in-line modification :param clear_old_attr: remove old attribute value before setting the new one :param as_last_service: whether setting the changed service as the last service in the graph :param kwargs: other keyword-value arguments that the service CLI supports :return: a (new) flow object with modification """ op_flow = copy.deepcopy(self) if copy_flow else self if name not in op_flow._service_nodes: raise FlowMissingNode('recv_from: %s can not be found in this Flow' % name) node = op_flow._service_nodes[name] service = node['service'] if recv_from: recv_from = op_flow._parse_service_endpoints(op_flow, name, recv_from, connect_to_last_service=True) if clear_old_attr: # remove all edges point to this service for n in op_flow._service_nodes.values(): if name in n['outgoings']: n['outgoings'].remove(name) node['incomes'] = recv_from else: node['incomes'] = node['incomes'].union(recv_from) # add it the new edge back for s in recv_from: op_flow._service_nodes[s]['outgoings'].add(name) if send_to: send_to = op_flow._parse_service_endpoints(op_flow, name, send_to, connect_to_last_service=False) if clear_old_attr: # remove all edges this service point to for n in op_flow._service_nodes.values(): if name in n['incomes']: n['incomes'].remove(name) node['outgoings'] = send_to else: node['outgoings'] = node['outgoings'].union(send_to) for s in send_to: op_flow._service_nodes[s]['incomes'].add(name) if kwargs: if not clear_old_attr: node['kwargs'].update(kwargs) kwargs = node['kwargs'] args, p_args, unk_args = op_flow._get_parsed_args(op_flow, name, service_map[service]['parser'], kwargs) node.update({ 'args': args, 'parsed_args': p_args, 'kwargs': kwargs, 'unk_args': unk_args }) if as_last_service: op_flow.set_last_service(name, False) # graph is now changed so we need to # reset the build level to the lowest op_flow._build_level = BuildLevel.EMPTY return op_flow
[docs] def remove(self, name: str = None, copy_flow: bool = True) -> 'Flow': """ Remove a service from the flow. :param name: the name of the existing service :param copy_flow: when set to true, then always copy the current flow and do the modification on top of it then return, otherwise, do in-line modification :return: a (new) flow object with modification """ op_flow = copy.deepcopy(self) if copy_flow else self if name not in op_flow._service_nodes: raise FlowMissingNode('recv_from: %s can not be found in this Flow' % name) op_flow._service_nodes.pop(name) # remove all edges point to this service for n in op_flow._service_nodes.values(): if name in n['outgoings']: n['outgoings'].remove(name) if name in n['incomes']: n['incomes'].remove(name) if op_flow._service_nodes: op_flow._last_changed_service = [v for v in op_flow._last_changed_service if v != name] else: op_flow._last_changed_service = [] # graph is now changed so we need to # reset the build level to the lowest op_flow._build_level = BuildLevel.EMPTY return op_flow
[docs] def add(self, service: Union['Service', str], name: str = None, recv_from: Union[str, Tuple[str], List[str], 'Service'] = None, send_to: Union[str, Tuple[str], List[str], 'Service'] = None, copy_flow: bool = True, **kwargs) -> 'Flow': """ Add a service to the current flow object and return the new modified flow object. The attribute of the service can be later changed with :py:meth:`set` or deleted with :py:meth:`remove` Note there are shortcut versions of this method. Recommend to use :py:meth:`add_encoder`, :py:meth:`add_preprocessor`, :py:meth:`add_router`, :py:meth:`add_indexer` whenever possible. :param service: a 'Service' enum or string, possible choices: Encoder, Router, Preprocessor, Indexer, Frontend :param name: the name identifier of the service, can be used in 'recv_from', 'send_to', :py:meth:`set` and :py:meth:`remove`. :param recv_from: the name of the service(s) that this service receives data from. One can also use 'Service.Frontend' to indicate the connection with the frontend. :param send_to: the name of the service(s) that this service sends data to. One can also use 'Service.Frontend' to indicate the connection with the frontend. :param copy_flow: when set to true, then always copy the current flow and do the modification on top of it then return, otherwise, do in-line modification :param kwargs: other keyword-value arguments that the service CLI supports :return: a (new) flow object with modification """ op_flow = copy.deepcopy(self) if copy_flow else self if isinstance(service, str): service = Service.from_string(service) if service not in service_map: raise ValueError('service: %s is not supported, should be one of %s' % (service, service_map.keys())) if name in op_flow._service_nodes: raise FlowTopologyError('name: %s is used in this Flow already!' % name) if not name: name = '%s%d' % (service, op_flow._service_name_counter[service]) op_flow._service_name_counter[service] += 1 if not name.isidentifier(): raise ValueError('name: %s is invalid, please follow the python variable name conventions' % name) if service == Service.Frontend: if op_flow._frontend: raise FlowTopologyError('frontend is already in this Flow') op_flow._frontend = name recv_from = op_flow._parse_service_endpoints(op_flow, name, recv_from, connect_to_last_service=True) send_to = op_flow._parse_service_endpoints(op_flow, name, send_to, connect_to_last_service=False) args, p_args, unk_args = op_flow._get_parsed_args(op_flow, name, service_map[service]['parser'], kwargs) op_flow._service_nodes[name] = { 'service': service, 'parsed_args': p_args, 'args': args, 'incomes': recv_from, 'outgoings': send_to, 'kwargs': kwargs, 'unk_args': unk_args } # direct all income services' output to the current service for s in recv_from: op_flow._service_nodes[s]['outgoings'].add(name) for s in send_to: op_flow._service_nodes[s]['incomes'].add(name) op_flow.set_last_service(name, False) # graph is now changed so we need to # reset the build level to the lowest op_flow._build_level = BuildLevel.EMPTY return op_flow
@staticmethod def _parse_service_endpoints(op_flow, cur_service_name, service_endpoint, connect_to_last_service=False, check_name_exist=True): # parsing recv_from if isinstance(service_endpoint, str): service_endpoint = [service_endpoint] elif service_endpoint == Service.Frontend: service_endpoint = [op_flow._frontend] elif not service_endpoint: if op_flow._last_changed_service and connect_to_last_service: service_endpoint = [op_flow._last_changed_service[-1]] else: service_endpoint = [] if isinstance(service_endpoint, list) or isinstance(service_endpoint, tuple): for s in service_endpoint: if s == cur_service_name: raise FlowTopologyError('the income of a service can not be itself') if s not in op_flow._service_nodes: if check_name_exist: raise FlowMissingNode('recv_from: %s can not be found in this Flow' % s) else: raise ValueError('recv_from=%s is not parsable' % service_endpoint) return set(service_endpoint) @staticmethod def _get_parsed_args(op_flow, name, service_arg_parser, kwargs): kwargs.update(op_flow._common_kwargs) args = [] for k, v in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, bool): if v: if not k.startswith('no_') and not k.startswith('no-'): args.append('--%s' % k) else: args.append('--%s' % k[3:]) else: if k.startswith('no_') or k.startswith('no-'): args.append('--%s' % k) else: args.append('--no_%s' % k) else: args.extend(['--%s' % k, str(v)]) try: p_args, unknown_args = service_arg_parser().parse_known_args(args) if unknown_args: op_flow.logger.warning('not sure what these arguments are: %s' % unknown_args) except SystemExit: raise ValueError('bad arguments for service "%s", ' 'you may want to double check your args "%s"' % (name, args)) return args, p_args, unknown_args def _build_graph(self, copy_flow: bool) -> 'Flow': op_flow = copy.deepcopy(self) if copy_flow else self op_flow._service_edges.clear() if not op_flow._frontend: raise FlowIncompleteError('frontend does not exist, you may need to add_frontend()') if not op_flow._last_changed_service or not op_flow._service_nodes: raise FlowTopologyError('flow is empty?') # close the loop op_flow._service_nodes[op_flow._frontend]['incomes'] = {op_flow._last_changed_service[-1]} # build all edges for k, v in op_flow._service_nodes.items(): for s in v['incomes']: op_flow._service_edges['%s-%s' % (s, k)] = '' for t in v['outgoings']: op_flow._service_edges['%s-%s' % (k, t)] = '' for k in op_flow._service_edges.keys(): start_node, end_node = k.split('-') edges_with_same_start = [ed for ed in op_flow._service_edges.keys() if ed.startswith(start_node)] edges_with_same_end = [ed for ed in op_flow._service_edges.keys() if ed.endswith(end_node)] s_pargs = op_flow._service_nodes[start_node]['parsed_args'] e_pargs = op_flow._service_nodes[end_node]['parsed_args'] # Rule # if a node has multiple income/outgoing services, # then its socket_in/out must be PULL_BIND or PUB_BIND # otherwise it should be different than its income # i.e. income=BIND => this=CONNECT, income=CONNECT => this = BIND # # when a socket is BIND, then host must NOT be set, aka default host # host_in and host_out is only set when corresponding socket is CONNECT if len(edges_with_same_start) > 1 and len(edges_with_same_end) == 1: s_pargs.socket_out = SocketType.PUB_BIND s_pargs.host_out = BaseService.default_host e_pargs.socket_in = SocketType.SUB_CONNECT e_pargs.host_in = start_node e_pargs.port_in = s_pargs.port_out op_flow._service_edges[k] = 'PUB-sub' elif len(edges_with_same_end) > 1 and len(edges_with_same_start) == 1: s_pargs.socket_out = SocketType.PUSH_CONNECT s_pargs.host_out = end_node e_pargs.socket_in = SocketType.PULL_BIND e_pargs.host_in = BaseService.default_host s_pargs.port_out = e_pargs.port_in op_flow._service_edges[k] = 'push-PULL' elif len(edges_with_same_start) == 1 and len(edges_with_same_end) == 1: # in this case, either side can be BIND # we prefer frontend to be always BIND # check if either node is frontend if start_node == op_flow._frontend: s_pargs.socket_out = SocketType.PUSH_BIND e_pargs.socket_in = SocketType.PULL_CONNECT elif end_node == op_flow._frontend: s_pargs.socket_out = SocketType.PUSH_CONNECT e_pargs.socket_in = SocketType.PULL_BIND else: e_pargs.socket_in = s_pargs.socket_out.paired if s_pargs.socket_out.is_bind: s_pargs.host_out = BaseService.default_host e_pargs.host_in = start_node e_pargs.port_in = s_pargs.port_out op_flow._service_edges[k] = 'PUSH-pull' elif e_pargs.socket_in.is_bind: s_pargs.host_out = end_node e_pargs.host_in = BaseService.default_host s_pargs.port_out = e_pargs.port_in op_flow._service_edges[k] = 'push-PULL' else: raise FlowTopologyError('edge %s -> %s is ambiguous, at least one socket should be BIND') else: raise FlowTopologyError('found %d edges start with %s and %d edges end with %s, ' 'this type of topology is ambiguous and should not exist, ' 'i can not determine the socket type' % ( len(edges_with_same_start), start_node, len(edges_with_same_end), end_node)) op_flow._build_level = BuildLevel.GRAPH return op_flow
[docs] def build(self, backend: Optional[str] = 'process', copy_flow: bool = False, *args, **kwargs) -> 'Flow': """ Build the current flow and make it ready to use :param backend: supported 'thread', 'process', 'swarm', 'k8s', 'shell', if None then only build graph only :param copy_flow: return the copy of the current flow :return: the current flow (by default) """ op_flow = self._build_graph(copy_flow) if not backend: op_flow.logger.warning('no specified backend, build_level stays at %s, ' 'and you can not run this flow.' % op_flow._build_level) elif backend in {'thread', 'process'}: op_flow._service_contexts.clear() for v in op_flow._service_nodes.values(): p_args = v['parsed_args'] p_args.parallel_backend = backend # for thread and process backend which runs locally, host_in and host_out should not be set p_args.host_in = BaseService.default_host p_args.host_out = BaseService.default_host op_flow._service_contexts.append((service_map[v['service']]['builder'], p_args)) op_flow._build_level = BuildLevel.RUNTIME else: raise NotImplementedError('backend=%s is not supported yet' % backend) return op_flow
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs) def __enter__(self): if self._build_level.value < BuildLevel.RUNTIME.value: self.logger.warning( 'current build_level=%s, lower than required. ' 'build the flow now via build() with default parameters' % self._build_level) self._service_stack = ExitStack() for k, v in self._service_contexts: self._service_stack.enter_context(k(v)) self.logger.critical('flow is built and ready, current build level is %s' % self._build_level) return self
[docs] def close(self): if hasattr(self, '_service_stack'): self._service_stack.close() self._build_level = BuildLevel.EMPTY self.logger.critical( 'flow is closed and all resources should be released already, current build level is %s' % self._build_level)
def __eq__(self, other): """ Comparing the topology of a flow with another flow. Identification is defined by whether two flows share the same set of edges. :param other: the second flow object :return: """ if self._build_level.value < BuildLevel.GRAPH.value: a =, copy_flow=True) else: a = self if other._build_level.value < BuildLevel.GRAPH.value: b =, copy_flow=True) else: b = other return a._service_edges == b._service_edges