Source code for gnes.service.base

#  Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making GNES available.
#  Copyright (C) 2019 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import copy
import multiprocessing
import os
import random
import tempfile
import threading
import time
import types
import uuid
from contextlib import ExitStack
from enum import Enum
from typing import Tuple, List, Union, Type

import zmq
import zmq.decorators as zmqd
from termcolor import colored

from ..base import TrainableBase, T
from ..cli.parser import resolve_yaml_path
from ..helper import set_logger, PathImporter, TimeContext, make_route_table
from ..proto import gnes_pb2, add_route, send_message, recv_message, router2str

[docs]class BetterEnum(Enum): def __str__(self): return
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, s): try: return cls[s] except KeyError: raise ValueError('%s is not a valid enum for %s' % (s, cls))
[docs]class ReduceOp(BetterEnum): CONCAT = 0 ALWAYS_ONE = 1
[docs]class ParallelType(BetterEnum): PUSH_BLOCK = 0 PUSH_NONBLOCK = 1 PUB_BLOCK = 2 PUB_NONBLOCK = 3 @property def is_push(self): return self.value == 0 or self.value == 1 @property def is_block(self): return self.value == 0 or self.value == 2
[docs]class SocketType(BetterEnum): PULL_BIND = 0 PULL_CONNECT = 1 PUSH_BIND = 2 PUSH_CONNECT = 3 SUB_BIND = 4 SUB_CONNECT = 5 PUB_BIND = 6 PUB_CONNECT = 7 PAIR_BIND = 8 PAIR_CONNECT = 9 @property def is_bind(self): return self.value % 2 == 0 @property def paired(self): return { SocketType.PULL_BIND: SocketType.PUSH_CONNECT, SocketType.PULL_CONNECT: SocketType.PUSH_BIND, SocketType.SUB_BIND: SocketType.PUB_CONNECT, SocketType.SUB_CONNECT: SocketType.PUB_BIND, SocketType.PAIR_BIND: SocketType.PAIR_CONNECT, SocketType.PUSH_CONNECT: SocketType.PULL_BIND, SocketType.PUSH_BIND: SocketType.PULL_CONNECT, SocketType.PUB_CONNECT: SocketType.SUB_BIND, SocketType.PUB_BIND: SocketType.SUB_CONNECT, SocketType.PAIR_CONNECT: SocketType.PAIR_BIND }[self]
[docs]class BlockMessage(Exception): pass
[docs]class ComponentNotLoad(Exception): pass
[docs]class ServiceError(Exception): pass
[docs]class EventLoopEnd(Exception): pass
[docs]def get_random_ipc() -> str: try: tmp = os.environ['GNES_IPC_SOCK_TMP'] if not os.path.exists(tmp): raise ValueError('This directory for sockets ({}) does not seems to exist.'.format(tmp)) tmp = os.path.join(tmp, str(uuid.uuid1())[:8]) except KeyError: tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name return 'ipc://%s' % tmp
[docs]def build_socket(ctx: 'zmq.Context', host: str, port: int, socket_type: 'SocketType', identity: 'str' = None, use_ipc: bool = False) -> Tuple['zmq.Socket', str]: sock = { SocketType.PULL_BIND: lambda: ctx.socket(zmq.PULL), SocketType.PULL_CONNECT: lambda: ctx.socket(zmq.PULL), SocketType.SUB_BIND: lambda: ctx.socket(zmq.SUB), SocketType.SUB_CONNECT: lambda: ctx.socket(zmq.SUB), SocketType.PUB_BIND: lambda: ctx.socket(zmq.PUB), SocketType.PUB_CONNECT: lambda: ctx.socket(zmq.PUB), SocketType.PUSH_BIND: lambda: ctx.socket(zmq.PUSH), SocketType.PUSH_CONNECT: lambda: ctx.socket(zmq.PUSH), SocketType.PAIR_BIND: lambda: ctx.socket(zmq.PAIR), SocketType.PAIR_CONNECT: lambda: ctx.socket(zmq.PAIR) }[socket_type]() sock.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) if socket_type.is_bind: if use_ipc: sock.bind(host) else: host = BaseService.default_host if port is None: sock.bind_to_random_port('tcp://%s' % host) else: sock.bind('tcp://%s:%d' % (host, port)) else: if port is None: sock.connect(host) else: sock.connect('tcp://%s:%d' % (host, port)) if socket_type in {SocketType.SUB_CONNECT, SocketType.SUB_BIND}: sock.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, identity.encode('ascii') if identity else b'') # sock.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'') # Note: the following very dangerous for pub-sub socketc sock.setsockopt(zmq.RCVHWM, 10) sock.setsockopt(zmq.RCVBUF, 10 * 1024 * 1024) # limit of network buffer 100M sock.setsockopt(zmq.SNDHWM, 10) sock.setsockopt(zmq.SNDBUF, 10 * 1024 * 1024) # limit of network buffer 100M return sock, sock.getsockopt_string(zmq.LAST_ENDPOINT)
[docs]class MessageHandler: def __init__(self, mh: 'MessageHandler' = None): self.routes = {} self.hooks = {'pre': [], 'post': []} if mh: self.routes = copy.deepcopy(mh.routes) self.hooks = copy.deepcopy(mh.hooks) self.logger = set_logger(self.__class__.__name__) self.service_context = None
[docs] def register(self, msg_type: Union[List, Tuple, type]): def decorator(f): if isinstance(msg_type, list) or isinstance(msg_type, tuple): for m in msg_type: self.routes[m] = f.__name__ else: self.routes[msg_type] = f.__name__ return f return decorator
[docs] def register_hook(self, hook_type: Union[str, Tuple[str]], only_when_verbose: bool = False): """ Register a function as a pre/post hook :param only_when_verbose: only call the hook when verbose is true :param hook_type: possible values 'pre' or 'post' or ('pre', 'post') """ def decorator(f): if isinstance(hook_type, str) and hook_type in self.hooks: self.hooks[hook_type].append((f.__name__, only_when_verbose)) return f elif isinstance(hook_type, list) or isinstance(hook_type, tuple): for h in set(hook_type): if h in self.hooks: self.hooks[h].append((f.__name__, only_when_verbose)) else: raise AttributeError('hook type: %s is not supported' % h) return f else: raise TypeError('hook_type is in bad type: %s' % type(hook_type)) return decorator
[docs] def call_hooks(self, msg: 'gnes_pb2.Message', hook_type: Union[str, Tuple[str]], *args, **kwargs): """ All post handler hooks are called after the handler is done but before sending out the message to the next service. All pre handler hooks are called after the service received a message and before calling the message handler """ hooks = [] if isinstance(hook_type, str) and hook_type in self.hooks: hooks.extend(self.hooks[hook_type]) elif isinstance(hook_type, list) or isinstance(hook_type, tuple): for h in set(hook_type): if h in self.hooks: hooks.extend(self.hooks[h]) else: raise AttributeError('hook type: %s is not supported' % h) else: raise TypeError('hook_type is in bad type: %s' % type(hook_type)) for fn, only_verbose in hooks: if (only_verbose and self.service_context.args.verbose) or (not only_verbose): try: fn(msg, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as ex: self.logger.warning('hook %s throws an exception, ' 'this wont affect the server but you may want to pay attention' % fn) self.logger.error(ex, exc_info=True)
[docs] def call_routes(self, msg: 'gnes_pb2.Message'): def get_default_fn(m_type): self.logger.warning('cant find handler for message type: %s, fall back to the default handler' % m_type) f = self.routes.get(m_type, self.routes[NotImplementedError]) return f if msg.WhichOneof('body'): body = getattr(msg, msg.WhichOneof('body')) if body.WhichOneof('body'): msg_type = type(getattr(body, body.WhichOneof('body'))) if msg_type in self.routes:'received a %r message' % msg_type.__name__) fn = self.routes.get(msg_type) else: fn = get_default_fn(msg_type) else: fn = get_default_fn(type(body)) else: fn = get_default_fn(type(msg))'handling message with %s' % fn.__name__) return fn(msg)
[docs] def call_routes_send_back(self, msg: 'gnes_pb2.Message', out_sock): try: # NOTE that msg is mutable object, it may be modified in fn() ret = self.call_routes(msg) if ret is None: # assume 'msg' is modified inside fn() self.call_hooks(msg, hook_type='post', verbose=self.service_context.args.verbose) send_message(out_sock, msg, **self.service_context.send_recv_kwargs) elif isinstance(ret, types.GeneratorType): for r_msg in ret: self.call_hooks(msg, hook_type='post', verbose=self.service_context.args.verbose) send_message(out_sock, r_msg, **self.service_context.send_recv_kwargs) else: raise ServiceError('unknown return type from the handler') except BlockMessage: pass except EventLoopEnd: send_message(out_sock, msg, **self.service_context.send_recv_kwargs) raise EventLoopEnd except ServiceError as ex: self.logger.error(ex, exc_info=True)
[docs]class ConcurrentService(type): _dct = {} def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct): _cls = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dct) ConcurrentService._dct.update({name: {'cls': cls, 'name': name, 'bases': bases, 'dct': dct}}) return _cls def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # switch to the new backend _cls = { 'thread': threading.Thread, 'process': multiprocessing.Process }[args[0].parallel_backend] # rebuild the class according to mro for c in cls.mro()[-2::-1]: arg_cls = ConcurrentService._dct[c.__name__]['cls'] arg_name = ConcurrentService._dct[c.__name__]['name'] arg_dct = ConcurrentService._dct[c.__name__]['dct'] _cls = super().__new__(arg_cls, arg_name, (_cls,), arg_dct) return type.__call__(_cls, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class BaseService(metaclass=ConcurrentService): handler = MessageHandler() default_host = '' def _get_event(self): if isinstance(self, threading.Thread): return threading.Event() elif isinstance(self, multiprocessing.Process): return multiprocessing.Event() else: raise NotImplementedError def __init__(self, args): super().__init__() if 'py_path' in args and args.py_path: PathImporter.add_modules(*args.py_path) self.args = args self.logger = set_logger(self.__class__.__name__, args.verbose) self.is_ready = self._get_event() self.is_event_loop = self._get_event() self.is_model_changed = self._get_event() self.is_handler_done = self._get_event() self.last_dump_time = time.perf_counter() self._model = None self.use_event_loop = True self.ctrl_with_ipc = ( != 'nt') and self.args.ctrl_with_ipc if self.ctrl_with_ipc: self.ctrl_addr = get_random_ipc() else: self.ctrl_addr = 'tcp://%s:%d' % (self.default_host, self.args.port_ctrl) self.send_recv_kwargs = dict( check_version=self.args.check_version, timeout=self.args.timeout, squeeze_pb=self.args.squeeze_pb) self._override_handler() def _override_handler(self): # replace the function name by the function itself mh = MessageHandler() mh.routes = {k: getattr(self, v) for k, v in self.handler.routes.items()} mh.hooks = {k: [(getattr(self, vv[0]), vv[1]) for vv in v] for k, v in self.handler.hooks.items()} self.handler = mh
[docs] def run(self): try: self._run() except Exception as ex: self.logger.error(ex, exc_info=True)
[docs] def dump(self, respect_dump_interval: bool = True): if (not self.args.read_only and self.args.dump_interval > 0 and self._model and self.is_model_changed.is_set() and ((respect_dump_interval and (time.perf_counter() - self.last_dump_time) > self.args.dump_interval) or not respect_dump_interval)): self.is_model_changed.clear()'dumping changes to the model, %3.0fs since last the dump' % (time.perf_counter() - self.last_dump_time)) self._model.dump() self.last_dump_time = time.perf_counter()'dumping finished! next dump will start in at least %3.0fs' % self.args.dump_interval)
@handler.register_hook(hook_type='post') def _hook_warn_body_type_change(self, msg: 'gnes_pb2.Message', *args, **kwargs): new_type = msg.WhichOneof('body') if new_type != self._msg_old_type: self.logger.warning('message body type has changed from "%s" to "%s"' % (self._msg_old_type, new_type)) @handler.register_hook(hook_type='post') def _hook_sort_response(self, msg: 'gnes_pb2.Message', *args, **kwargs): if 'sorted_response' in self.args and self.args.sorted_response and x: x.score.value, = True'sorted %d results in %s order' % (len(, 'descending' if else 'ascending')) @handler.register_hook(hook_type='pre') def _hook_add_route(self, msg: 'gnes_pb2.Message', *args, **kwargs): add_route(msg.envelope, self._model.__class__.__name__, self.args.identity) self._msg_old_type = msg.WhichOneof('body')'a message in type: %s with route: %s' % (self._msg_old_type, router2str(msg))) @handler.register_hook(hook_type='post') def _hook_update_route_timestamp(self, msg: 'gnes_pb2.Message', *args, **kwargs): msg.envelope.routes[-1].end_time.GetCurrentTime() if self.args.route_table:'route: %s' % router2str(msg))'route table: \n%s' % make_route_table(msg.envelope.routes)) @zmqd.context() def _run(self, ctx): ctx.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.handler.service_context = self # print('!!!! t_id: %d service_context: %r' % (threading.get_ident(), self.handler.service_context))'bind sockets...') if self.ctrl_with_ipc: ctrl_sock, ctrl_addr = build_socket(ctx, self.ctrl_addr, None, SocketType.PAIR_BIND, use_ipc=self.ctrl_with_ipc) else: ctrl_sock, ctrl_addr = build_socket(ctx, self.default_host, self.args.port_ctrl, SocketType.PAIR_BIND)'control over %s' % (colored(ctrl_addr, 'yellow'))) in_sock, _ = build_socket(ctx, self.args.host_in, self.args.port_in, self.args.socket_in, self.args.identity)'input %s:%s' % (self.args.host_in, colored(self.args.port_in, 'yellow'))) out_sock, _ = build_socket(ctx, self.args.host_out, self.args.port_out, self.args.socket_out, self.args.identity)'output %s:%s' % (self.args.host_out, colored(self.args.port_out, 'yellow'))) 'input %s:%s\t output %s:%s\t control over %s' % ( self.args.host_in, colored(self.args.port_in, 'yellow'), self.args.host_out, colored(self.args.port_out, 'yellow'), colored(ctrl_addr, 'yellow'))) poller = zmq.Poller() poller.register(in_sock, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(ctrl_sock, zmq.POLLIN) try: self.post_init() self.is_ready.set() self.is_event_loop.set() self.logger.critical('ready and listening') while self.is_event_loop.is_set(): socks = dict(poller.poll(1)) if socks.get(in_sock) == zmq.POLLIN: pull_sock = in_sock elif socks.get(ctrl_sock) == zmq.POLLIN: pull_sock = ctrl_sock else: # no message received, pass continue if self.use_event_loop or pull_sock == ctrl_sock: with TimeContext('handling message', self.logger): self.is_handler_done.clear() # receive message msg = recv_message(pull_sock, **self.send_recv_kwargs) # choose output sock if msg.request and msg.request.WhichOneof('body') and \ isinstance(getattr(msg.request, msg.request.WhichOneof('body')), gnes_pb2.Request.ControlRequest): o_sock = ctrl_sock else: o_sock = out_sock # call pre-hooks self.handler.call_hooks(msg, hook_type='pre') # call main handler and send result back self.handler.call_routes_send_back(msg, o_sock) self.is_handler_done.set() else: self.logger.warning( 'received a new message but since "use_event_loop=False" I will not handle it. ' 'I will just block the thread until "is_handler_done" is set!') # wait until some one else call is_handler_done.set() self.is_handler_done.wait() # clear the handler status self.is_handler_done.clear() # block the event loop if a dump is needed self.dump() except EventLoopEnd:'break from the event loop') except ComponentNotLoad: self.logger.error('component can not be correctly loaded, terminated') except Exception as ex: self.logger.error('unknown exception: %s' % str(ex), exc_info=True) finally: self.is_ready.set() self.is_event_loop.clear() in_sock.close() out_sock.close() ctrl_sock.close() # do not check dump_interval constraint as the last dump before close self.dump(respect_dump_interval=False) self.logger.critical('terminated')
[docs] def post_init(self): pass
[docs] def load_model(self, base_class: Type[TrainableBase], yaml_path=None) -> T: try: return base_class.load_yaml(self.args.yaml_path if not yaml_path else yaml_path) except FileNotFoundError: raise ComponentNotLoad
@handler.register(NotImplementedError) def _handler_default(self, msg: 'gnes_pb2.Message'): raise NotImplementedError @handler.register(gnes_pb2.Request.ControlRequest) def _handler_control(self, msg: 'gnes_pb2.Message'): if msg.request.control.command == gnes_pb2.Request.ControlRequest.TERMINATE: self.is_event_loop.clear() msg.response.control.status = gnes_pb2.Response.SUCCESS raise EventLoopEnd elif msg.request.control.command == gnes_pb2.Request.ControlRequest.STATUS: msg.response.control.status = gnes_pb2.Response.READY else: raise ServiceError('dont know how to handle %s' % msg.request.control)
[docs] def close(self): if self._model: self.dump() self._model.close() if self.is_event_loop.is_set(): msg = gnes_pb2.Message() msg.request.control.command = gnes_pb2.Request.ControlRequest.TERMINATE return send_ctrl_message(self.ctrl_addr, msg, timeout=self.args.timeout)
@property def status(self): msg = gnes_pb2.Message() msg.request.control.command = gnes_pb2.Request.ControlRequest.STATUS return send_ctrl_message(self.ctrl_addr, msg, timeout=self.args.timeout) def __enter__(self): self.start() self.is_ready.wait() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close()
[docs]def send_ctrl_message(address: str, msg: 'gnes_pb2.Message', timeout: int): # control message is short, set a timeout and ask for quick response with zmq.Context() as ctx: ctx.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) sock, _ = build_socket(ctx, address, None, SocketType.PAIR_CONNECT) send_message(sock, msg, timeout) r = None try: r = recv_message(sock, timeout) except TimeoutError: pass finally: sock.close() return r
[docs]class ServiceManager: def __init__(self, service_cls, args): self.logger = set_logger(self.__class__.__name__, args.verbose) = [] # type: List['BaseService'] if args.num_parallel > 1: from .router import RouterService _head_router = copy.deepcopy(args) _head_router.yaml_path = resolve_yaml_path('BaseRouter') _head_router.port_ctrl = self._get_random_port() port_out = self._get_random_port() _head_router.port_out = port_out _tail_router = copy.deepcopy(args) _tail_router.yaml_path = resolve_yaml_path('BaseRouter') port_in = self._get_random_port() _tail_router.port_in = port_in _tail_router.port_ctrl = self._get_random_port() _tail_router.socket_in = SocketType.PULL_BIND if args.parallel_type.is_push: _head_router.socket_out = SocketType.PUSH_BIND else: _head_router.socket_out = SocketType.PUB_BIND _head_router.yaml_path = resolve_yaml_path( '!PublishRouter {parameters: {num_part: %d}}' % args.num_parallel) if args.parallel_type.is_block: _tail_router.yaml_path = resolve_yaml_path('BaseReduceRouter') _tail_router.num_part = args.num_parallel for _ in range(args.num_parallel): _args = copy.deepcopy(args) _args.port_in = port_out _args.port_out = port_in _args.port_ctrl = self._get_random_port() _args.socket_out = SocketType.PUSH_CONNECT if args.parallel_type.is_push: _args.socket_in = SocketType.PULL_CONNECT else: _args.socket_in = SocketType.SUB_CONNECT'num_parallel=%d, add a router with port_in=%d and a router with port_out=%d' % ( args.num_parallel, _head_router.port_in, _tail_router.port_out)) else: @staticmethod def _get_random_port(min_port: int = 49152, max_port: int = 65536) -> int: return random.randrange(min_port, max_port) def __enter__(self): self.stack = ExitStack() for s in self.stack.enter_context(s) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.stack.close()
[docs] def join(self): for s in s.join()